ClickCease Ontwerpen van pepaljica - Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling

Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket goud

  • Wedstrijd van: geo_valy
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 399.00
  • Datum start : 03-02-2016 17:27
  • Datum einde : 10-02-2016 17:26
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 86
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Logo: InMy

Slogan: You are in my heart


This society will sell jewel, in particularly necklaces whit a silver heart.
Every heart will have a particular bead, as the woman that wears it.
We've thought to make many kind of bead... for example for the woman that I love, for the precious friend, for an unique mother or for an amazing daughter.


This product will be sold to every generation and women. Maybe it will be a present for a birthday or for some other reasons. The name "InMy" means that the woman that receives the necklace is always in my mind and in my heart and you are addicted to her.

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

We are open to color suggestions.

Keywords: Feminine, Modern and Luxurious.

  • Logo # 575423 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. pepaljica zegt

      I must have bored you, but I'm trying to make this a good.Thanks for all.

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  • Logo # 574917 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 574093 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. pepaljica zegt

      Hello Geo_valy again. I made a simple necklace.Do you think like this.Thanks for all suggestions.

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  • Logo # 573945 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. geo_valy zegt :

      I'm afraid it keeps getting worst!

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  • Logo # 573936 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. pepaljica zegt

      What do you think about this necklace,please?Thank you.

    2. geo_valy zegt :

      I'm afraid it keeps getting worst!

    3. geo_valy zegt :

      Don't like the new necklace or the new font! Keep the font as it was on the first. And make the necklace Elegant! Feminine! Simple! Thin!

    4. pepaljica zegt

      OK,thanks for your suggestions. I will do it.

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  • Logo # 573708 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 572785 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. geo_valy zegt :

      The first one was much more elegant and feminine. And your lettering on this one is too small. We still would love to see other ideas. But keep them as beautiful as the first one, please. Thank you :)

    2. pepaljica zegt

      Thank you for your suggestions. The other will be soon. Thanks again. Best regards

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  • Logo # 572784 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. pepaljica zegt

      Please let me know if there are any changes to be made. Thanks

    2. geo_valy zegt :

      The first one was much more elegant and feminine. And your lettering on this one is too small. We still would love to see other ideas. But keep them as beautiful as the first one, please. Thank you :)

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  • Logo # 572692 voor Create a logo for a new silver jewelry brand, focus on internet selling wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. geo_valy zegt :

      Love it! Can I see some other ideas, please?

    2. pepaljica zegt

      Thank you for your valuable feedback. I will submit more designs.

    3. geo_valy zegt :

      Try playing with this one, but changing only the necklace. That's my least favorite part of it. This is the best one so far!

    4. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

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