ClickCease Ontwerpen van Wilko - Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf

Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver

  • Wedstrijd van: hugoderooij
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 329.00
  • Datum start : 18-02-2014 08:11
  • Datum einde : 18-03-2014 08:06
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 97
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Voor ons bedrijf zijn wij op zoek naar een nieuw Logo.

Onze voorkeur gaat uit naar een logo waarin de bedrijfsnaam 'Muziekverzorging' en de slogan 'Great Music Xperience' gecobineerd worden met een bijpassend icoon en een lijnenspel.


Muziekverzorging is een muziek en entertainment bedrijf. We bestaan sinds 1992 en zijn gespecialiseerd is in het verzorgen van feesten middels dj's en drive-in-shows.

Ons bedrijf staat voor kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid.

De klant staat bij ons centraal en we besteden veel aandacht aan de persoonlijke wensen van onze klanten bij de invulling van de feesten.

Muziekverzorging Een creatieve en unieke bijdrage leveren aan een onvergetelijke
feestavond. Belangrijk is dat alles wat we doen moet bijdragen aan de beleving van de klant. We bieden een hoog onderscheidend, vernieuwend en breed aanbod wat in speelt op beleving.


Bruidsparen en bedrijven.

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

Rood is de bedrijfskleur, een bijpasssend Icoon zou leuk zijn.

  • Logo # 306131 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:


      This is my work for your new corporate identity.
      I am waiting for your feedback.



    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      Dear Wilko,

      Thanks for your effort on a new logo.

      I like it but I have to discuss it with others.

      We do have another thing we would run into with this design:

      We have 6 different market targets with our company under 6 different names (we are a smalle company but we have some very good domains for marketing purposes). With an icon that is related to the target (like a headphone or a cd or a music note) we would be able to re-use a logo just by replacing the icon with another icon for a different target. However with your M-V creation this would be a little hard. The reson why we would want to have similar logo's for all websites is because we would want people to recognize the style (maybe different color of the website and different icon in the logo for each target)

      For your information, we also have a website 'Enlighted Events', '' (LED dancefloors), '' (rental of dj's) and 'huwelijksdag' (which means weddingday).

      But I do like the creation you have made very much (hope the others like it too).

      If you have other suggestions or suggestions for a similar logo that could be used for all our 'brand names' I would be very happy with your input.

    3. hugoderooij zegt :

      My wife likes it very much which is very good :-)

    4. Wilko zegt


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  • Logo # 312156 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      And this one?

    2. Wilko zegt

      Unfortunately this is my last design because we can't give you more than 15 proposal on brandsupply . But if you need more you can send me a private message and I will give you a personal link.


    3. hugoderooij zegt :

      Hi Wilco,

      I think we are almost there. This hand is a bit to much like a 'shooting gun' if You understand what I mean. Can you please give it one more try? My email is [email protected]


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  • Logo # 310312 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Like this?

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      Better but not yet what I mean. Maybe more like this:

      A pointing finger as the magic of Disney. You know what I mean?

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  • Logo # 309618 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Hand icon with stars

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      Much better, only the way the hand is shown gives a bit a high five feeling instead of a touch feeling.

      Maybe two hands (almost) touching looks better like this:

      Or an open hand like this:

      or this:

      or 2 open hands like this:

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  • Logo # 309617 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Smaller icon

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  • Logo # 308518 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      and the entertainment logo

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      First is best.

    3. hugoderooij zegt :

      The icon mabye a little smaller.

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  • Logo # 308517 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      white background

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  • Logo # 308516 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Hi Hugo,

      I give you 2 different design for the enlighted event logo. One with the color you choose and one with a rainbow color with more impact !
      What do you think?
      A dark background is better with the light effect.

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      Hi Wilco,

      This muddied the picture a alittle. I think it is a sleek design if you keep the MV as is and use a icon like in the others. Sorry, that is my personal flavour. And the hand just gave it more magic.

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  • Logo # 306814 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. hugoderooij zegt :

      Hi Wilco,

      I got some Ideas. Can you make something like this for Enlighted Events (A touch of magic):;r28dUfvxgK7IYM;;;900;563

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      And for entertainmentgids something like this (please go with your mouse over 'Entertainment' on this website to see the icon I mean:

      Do you have any suggestions yourself? For 'Muziekverzorging' I think we will only use the MV and no small icon in it. The MV itself is good for our main brand.

      I look forward to your reply and wish you a good weekend!

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  • Logo # 306813 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Geen commentaar

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  • Logo # 306752 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      And here is 6 logos for the 6 activities. But I didn't really get the difference between "Dansvloer" and "enlighted events"
      Can you explain me?

      Thank you

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      We find it very difficult to suggest a good icon. I don't like a music note, it is to obvious. A camera is also not suitable (sorry). If we have any bright ideas ourselves I will let you know.

      We are working on it too to get good suggestions.

      We have made some examples ourselves with the colors I send you so these colors I send should be the right colors.

      Best wishes,


    3. hugoderooij zegt :

      Maybe now that we have the slogan's we can think of something that is better related.

    4. hugoderooij zegt :

      I am happy to explain, I understand it is strange.

      We use the name 'Enlighted events' for international rental of our dancefloor. In our own country we have a very good url ( = dancefloor) so in our own country we use the name 'dansvloer' as brand.

      Please note you have both enlighted events with the text 'a touch of magic' while the one for the dancefloor should be 'life is a dancefloor'.

      We will get a closer look for the icon's because I still have some doubt on the microphone, the play sign and the bend stripes in enlighted events. This last one should be something 'magical'.

      It is quite difficult so we will get some ideas to.

      I do believe we are very close to what we are looking for.

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  • Logo # 306748 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Hi Hugo,

      Here is 4 different icon with smaller lines for M and V.

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      Dear Wilco,

      Thanks for your reply! We like the old longer most so please keep it as it was. This seems most beautifull after all.

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  • Logo # 306197 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer Wilko:

      Ok I Think I understood what you meant.
      What do you think about this type of icon?
      We can play with colors for each services in order to have the same logo base.

    2. hugoderooij zegt :

      I will show it to everyone here. My wife and I are very excited. I think you understand exactly what I mean :-) Give me a day or so to get some feedback from our team. Thanks!

    3. Wilko zegt

      Thank you, this is a very interesting project and I look forward to know the opinion of your team :)
      I am still at your beck and call


    4. hugoderooij zegt :

      Hi Wilko,

      The people I got feedback from are very enthousiastic.

      By the way, everybody 'loves' the silver version you have made!

      In our case the text under the 'icon' would be different for the different divisions.


      Great Music Xperience
      [A suitable icon for music in general]
      [Main color: RED since this has always been the company color]

      Life is a Dancefloor
      [The icon of the dancefloor]
      [Main color: Yellow or another bright color]

      Enlighted Events
      Life is a Dancefloor
      [The icon of the dancefloor]
      [Main color blue we think might be nice]

      You're the Music
      [The icon with the headphone]
      [Main color we are still considering, suggestions are welcome]

      Alles voor je bruiloft
      [The icon with the bow]
      [Main color we are still considering, suggestions are welcome]

      [We are still thinking about a good slogan for this one]
      [A suitable icon for artists, live music and entertainment]
      [Main color we are still considering, suggestions are welcome]

      Enlighted Events
      [We are still thinking about a good slogan for this one]
      [A suitable icon for high quality dj's]
      [Main color blue we think might be nice]

      I look very much forward to any suggestions/input you have on our ideas!

      Best wishes,


    5. hugoderooij zegt :

      Even our most critical person here is enthousiast. He mentioned it would be wise to use websafe colors.

      He only suggested to make the lines of the M and the V a little shorter so the icon will be more compact.

      This might be a good idea, I'm not sure.

    6. hugoderooij zegt :

      Dear Wilco,

      We came to the following details. I hope you can give me your feedback and let me know if you can create this with the design you allready have made.

      Title: Muziekverzorging
      Slogan: You are the music
      Main color: 990000
      [A suitable icon for music in general?]

      Title: Dansvloer
      Slogan: Life is a Dancefloor
      Main color: 0066cc
      [The icon of the dancefloor you have allready made]

      Title: Enlighted Events (dutch market)
      Slogan: A Touch of Magic
      Main color: 660066
      [A suitable icon for top quality dj's]

      Title: Djhuren
      Slogan: Great Music Xperience
      Main color: ff99ff
      [The icon with the headphone you have allready made]

      Title: Huwelijksdag
      Slogan: Puur genieten
      Main color: cc9900
      [The icon with the bow you have allready made]

      Title: Entertainmentgids
      Slogan: Feestelijk compleet
      Main color: cccccc
      [A suitable icon for artists, live music and entertainment]

      Title: Enlighted Events (international market)
      Slogan: Life is a Dancefloor
      Main color: 660066
      [The icon of the dancefloor you have allready made]

      I look foward to your reply.

      Best wishes,

      Hugo de Rooij

    7. Wilko zegt

      Ok I will work on it ! I already have made something but the colors are not the good one ! so I will give you something new this afternoon.

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  • Logo # 306136 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. hugoderooij zegt :

      Nice and recognizable

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  • Logo # 306132 voor Logo ontwerp muziek- en entertainmentbedrijf wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. hugoderooij zegt :

      Very chique

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