ClickCease Ontwerpen van niki - MPS-IT logo

MPS-IT logo

Wedstrijd gegevens:

  • Wedstrijd van: michelsmit
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 100.00
  • Datum start : 02-01-2014 01:44
  • Datum einde : 16-01-2014 01:38
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: ai,
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 74
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


For my new company i'm looking for a clean amd modern logo. MPS are my initials, Michel Peter Smit, IT is Information Technology. Im delivering solutions based on Microsoft Technology.



Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

  • Logo # 288170 voor MPS-IT logo wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Vision zegt

      Nice logo dude!

    2. niki zegt


    3. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

  • Logo # 287573 voor MPS-IT logo wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    2. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    3. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    4. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    5. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    6. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    7. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    8. michelsmit zegt :

      Like it, but not a huge fan of gradient. Can you show me a flat version like the one in the right corner, the orange/black variant? Please make the black dark gray and the text Michel Peter Smit transparent or light gray in your example?

    9. michelsmit zegt :

      Something cleary has gone wrong :)

    10. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

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